
Showing posts from 2013

Writing Term 4

I am learning to:  write a description of an animal. What I need is:  Describing words What the animal is What the animal looks like What the animal does Our animal is the giraffe.It is a very tall animal and it has a two metre long neck. It has small knobs and it likes green leaves. It can't run . Typed and written by Conor, Xiyi and Kade.

Discovery Term 4

We are learning to engage in positive relationships with others and focus on developing the key competencies: Managing self Thinking Using language, symbols and text Participating and contributing  Relating to others Student reflection from a Discovery session:  In Discovery Time I made a daffodil. I showed Active Thinking by listening to the teacher before I started making. 

CARE Term 4

Student Response: I show Excellence by taking my time with my work.

Dance Term 4

We are learning to: express ourselves creatively through dance. To be successful we need to: Learn the specific steps to the dance Keep in time to the music Follow instructions Try our best Click on the link below to see us practising our dance:

Music Term 4

We are learning to: recognise different sections of music and respond through singing, moving, playing and creating. To be successful we need to: Listen carefully to the music Move as directed by the words in the song Sing as we move Click on the link below:

Gymnastics Term 3

We are learning to:  do a pencil roll. To be successful we need to:  put our arms above our head, have our hands palm to palm, our legs together and keep our bodies as straight as we can.

Maths Term 3

Click on the link below: We are learning to:   Convert 10s into 100s. This is working out how many 10s are in a number over 100. To be successful we need to : Understand that 10 ones fit into 10 and 10 groups of 10 fit into 100.

Reading Term 3

Teacher question: What do good readers do? Student’s response: They leave out a word they don’t know and come back to it. They ask themselves if what they have read makes sense. They sound out tricky words.

My Mihi Term 3

Te Reo Māori Mihi We are learning to: •    Introduce ourselves in Te Reo Māori. •    Communicate personal information, such as our name, parents’ and grandparents’ names and home town in Te Reo Māori.  To be successful we need to: •    Speak clearly and fluently. •    Use short simple sentences of Te Reo Māori to communicate personal information. YouTube Video - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Inquiry Term 2

We are learning to express our understandings of change. Task: Teacher Instruction - With this play dough or paper, make or draw what you know about change. Teacher Question - What have you made or drawn to show me what you know about change? Note: The first photo has been taken at the start of the unit and the second photo has been taken in the middle of the unit. Teacher Comment:   You understand how plants and animals change.

Mathematics with Statistics Term 2

I am learning to Create a tally chart on Room 21’s favourite colours. Use this and a class graph to make statements. Success Criteria ·      Ask a question to gather information. ·      Create a tally chart correctly. ·      Make a statement on the data: For example most popular colour or least popular colour.   Child Comment:  10 people like pink.

Writing Term 2

I am learning to Write an information report on the Venus Fly Trap. Success Criteria ·      Include what it is, what it looks like, where it is found and what it does.   Next Step: Read my writing to check it makes sense.