
Showing posts from 2016


The Southern Bluefin Tuna has gills which means it can breath under water. They can swim at an average speed of 2-3 km/hr and they are known to dive for at least 500 m. The average growth for a 3 year old Southern Bluefin Tuna is 1.5 cm per month (and since 1980, fish have been growing faster).                                   HABITATS              W.A.L.T: describe a New Zealand habitat and the animals that live there         OCEAN                               My habitat is the Pacific Ocean . It is linked to every single ocean in the world: Arctic Ocean, Atla...

Flag Of New Zealand

The flag of New Zealand is a  defaced Blue Ensign  with the  Union Flag  i n the canton, and four  red stars with white borders to the right. The stars' pattern represents the  asterism   within the constellation of Crux, the Southern Cross.                                                                                                                            New Zealand's first flag, the flag of the  United Tribes of New Zealand , was adopted in 1834, six years before New Zealand became a British colony following the signing of the  Treaty of Waitangi  in 1840. Chosen by an assembly o...