The Southern Bluefin Tuna has gills which means it can breath under water. They can swim at an average speed of 2-3 km/hr and they are known to dive for at least 500 m. The average growth for a 3 year old Southern Bluefin Tuna is 1.5 cm per month (and since 1980, fish have been growing faster). HABITATS W.A.L.T: describe a New Zealand habitat and the animals that live there OCEAN My habitat is the Pacific Ocean . It is linked to every single ocean in the world: Arctic Ocean, Atla...
What is my learning goal? IALT manage my time well so I complete all my “MUST Do” SML Tasks each week. What has been going well? I have been getting all/most SML tasks done every week. What have I been learning to do to get the tasks done? I have tried to stay away from distraction and use my time wisely. Which tasks have I completed well? Why? I have completed Mathletics very well because I have been getting way more points than the standard (1500 points) every week Which tasks have been challenging? Why? The tasks that have been challenging for me are the reading, writing, and maths tasks because you can’t really check them off until the end of the week because you never really know when you're going to get a new task. What are some other bonus tasks I would like to do? I would like to do art. My next step is…….. To try and focus more and get more points than expected by finishing the must do’s and doing bonus tasks.
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